Import Specifications for Route Orders
The Route Orders table is used by Syntelic Load Planning as a primary input to the load diagramming process. Each Route Order represents a specific quantity of one Item for a specific delivery location that must be loaded onto a vehicle. Most Syntelic customers load Route Orders in batches, several times per day, where each batch represents all of the orders for one or more routes (or loads). The Route Orders are typically derived from an upstream system such as order processing or a warehouse management system.
Route orders may be viewed as the lowest level of a hierarchy that is central to the Syntelic data structure. Each Route Order is owned by a Route Stop, which represents a delivery point along a route. Each Route Stop is owned by a Route, which represents a load to be dispatched. Each Route is owned by a Trip Set, which represents a collection or routes or loads attributable to one specific accounting date known as the Trip Date. And each Trip Set is owned by a Division, which represents an organizational unit within your distribution operations (typically one distribution center or DC)
More guidelines for the formatting of imports can be found here: Import Formatting Guidelines
A summary of the attributes importable for each Route Order are summarized in the table below. Due to the flexibility of Load Planning, many of the data fields are optional, but a few are required, as indicated by the asterisk (*).
Division ID* | Identifier of the owner division of this record. | Text |
Post Date* | Date on which the order was posted. | Date/Time |
Trip Set ID* | Uniquely identifies one set of routes or loads within one Trip Date | Text |
Route ID* | Identifier of the route or load associated with the order. | Text |
Plan Stop Number* | Number identifying the sequence of the delivery within the route. | Numeric |
Location ID* | Ship-to location ID to which the order will be delivered. | Text |
Invoice ID | Invoice or order number. | Text |
Bill to Location ID | Optional bill-to location ID if different from above. | Text |
Order Line ID* | Unique identifier of the order line record. Usually a combination of the order ID and an order line number. | Text |
Item ID | Item ID of the product. | Text |
Quantity | Cases or eaches ordered. | Numeric |
Is Eaches | Indicates if the quantity of the order is in units of eaches as opposed to case units. | Boolean |
Override Product Type | An identifier that categorizes the items into groupings appropriate for warehouse operations. This is usually a relatively short character string or number. | Text |
Pre-Select ID | An identifier that describes the ship pallet on which the order line will be loaded, if pallets are preassembled. Must be unique for the route. | Text |
Active Slot ID* | Warehouse slot location allocated to this order and the associated quantity; required if different from the slot location specified for the associated item. | Text |
Is Deferred Load | Indicates that the order will be handled last in the loading process regardless of loading sequence. | Boolean |
Flexible Columns | Optional field(s) as defined by the client. | Text, Numeric, Boolean, Date |