
Dashboard Security

  • Users without “Is updateable” access to a folder can no longer modify dashboards in that folder.

Transportation Analytics

View Settings

  • View columns can now be set to Bold without affecting other settings such as alignment.  For example, a column can now be set to both “Bold” and “Center”.
  • Date-Only and Time-Only columns (like a trip set’s “Trip Date”) can now be sorted dynamically in a view.

Actual Tractor

  • When importing from PeopleNet, the Route Actual Tractor field will now be populated.

Load Planning

Merge Rule

A new attribute has been added to each position type called Merge Rule, and the existing Merge All Containers option has been removed. Merge Rule may now be assigned to one of three options:

  • Force Single Container – operates in the same manner as the previous Merge All Containers option.
  • Use Batching and Stacking Rules – will use stacking rules and batching rules for each container in a position in order to try and merge containers.
  • Use Stacking Rules Only – will only use each container’s stacking rule when trying to merge them into fewer containers, allowing for different batches to merge together.

Strict Unload Sequence

  • Corrections to the load planning algorithm where it was not following the Use Strict Unload Sequence option within trailer compartments in certain cases, especially when planning loads with multiple stops per position.
  • Exclude Same Rank Merging now works as intended.
  • Various fixes for issues related to the “Fill by Weight” setting have been implemented:
    • No more large amounts of overflow.
    • Calculating a solution’s overflow cost will no longer use the group’s entire weight instead of just the overflow’s weight.

Route Planning

Route Breaks

  • A new dialogue has been created for the modification and creation of Route Breaks. The following settings must be assigned with each Route Break:
    • Break type: On Duty Break, Off Duty Break, or Layover
    • Labor Type: team routes or single driver routes
    • Special Route Flag: These are routes which start from a domicile that is flagged with Use Special Breaks
  • Inserting or modifying a locked layover now requires the user to set a duration.
  • Inserting/modifying an activity incorporates any established Route Breaks.
  • Driver Break Cost and Driver Sleeper Cost have been deleted and removed from the Route Planner.