
Import Specifications for the Items Master List

By Patrick Bracken | September 10, 2015

A core table within the Syntelic database is the Item table. It is most commonly used in conjunction with Load Planning software where it is an essential source of information for the load diagramming process. Each entry in the Item table defines a specific Item or SKU that is stocked and/or shipped by operations.

Some of the attributes in the Items table are informational (such as descriptive fields) and some are critical to the proper development of load diagrams (such as case cube and weight.

Although the Item master list could conceptually be maintained directly within Syntelic, most Syntelic customers refresh the Item table on a regular basis (typically daily) by importing a file that is made available from an upstream system such as order processing or a warehouse management system.

More guidelines for the formatting of imports can be found here: Import Formatting Guidelines

A summary of the attributes importable for each Item are summarized in the table below. Due to the flexibility of Load Planning, many of the data fields are optional, but a few are required, as indicated by the asterisk (*).

Division ID* Identifier of the owner division of this resource. Text
ID* Item ID or SKU. Must uniquely identify the item within the division. Text
Name* Description of the item or product. Text
Cube* Actual cubic volume of one case unit. Decimal
Weight* Actual weight of one case unit. Decimal
Product Type* An identifier that categorizes the items into groupings appropriate for process mapping of warehouse operations. Usually describes selection and/or loading types. Required if not included in Ship Order Line file. Text
Family ID An identifier that categorizes items into groupings of similar products that must can be considered the same for pallet assembly and/or trailer loading/unloading. Usually describes product with similar package size that can be mixed with other items of the group when building pallet layers. Text
Stacking Rule An identifier that categorizes the items into groupings appropriate for determining which items can be stacked on others or on similar items. Text
Pallet Stack Limit Number of full pallets that can be packed for storage in warehouse. Integer
Primary Slot ID Primary warehouse location. Text
Pick Sequence Logical sequence for identifying order in which items are picked. Integer
Alternate Slot ID Alternate warehouse location. Text
Pallet High* Number of layers of product on a standard pallet or other container type. Integer
Pallet Tie* Number of cases per layer on a standard pallet or other container type. Integer
Item Width Actual width of one case unit in inches. Decimal
Item Height Actual height of one case unit in inches. Decimal
Item Length Actual length of one case unit in inches. Decimal
Overhang Length The amount by which this item (in a standard pallet configuration) overhangs each of the two narrow sides of a pallet (thus extending the length of the pallet in the longer dimension, typically extending the 48″ length). Decimal
Overhang Width The amount by which the item (in a standard pallet configuration) overhangs each of the two wide sides of a pallet (thus extending the length of the pallet in the shorter dimension, typically extending the 40″ width). Decimal
Eaches Per Case Number of each units (pieces) per case unit. May be zero if each picking is not applicable. Integer
Manufacturer ID ID of item as assigned by manufacturer. Text
Pack Size Description of packaging within case. Text
Unit of Measure Description of units of measure within case. Text
Scan Product ID ID of the barcode located on the outside of the case. Text
UPC Universal product code that is uniquely assigned to each item. Text
Is Catch Weight Yes/No indicator for catch weight items. Boolean
Flexible Columns Optional field(s) as defined by the client. Text, Numeric, Boolean, Date

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