
  • When importing XML-based data strings under SynService, coded special characters are decoded to normal text For example, characters coded as “>”, “<”, and “&” will be coded as “>”, “<”; and “&”.
  • The Syntelic Calculation Function “Convert” has been expanded to allow formatting of the converted field in the second operand. For example, “Convert Text to Decimal” will allow the specification of the format of the newly formatted decimal field. Previously, the default value was required, causing for extra steps in the calculation building process.
  • A “sort” column can now be defined when using a flat file import. In cases where duplicate records may be found in a single import file, after specifying the “sort” the last instance of the duplicate record will be written to Syntelic.
  • When exporting a flat file out of Syntelic, the number of rows written will be displayed rather than an error message.
  • Import Triggers have been eliminated. Previously, additional actions could be “triggered” to act upon imported data rows. This functionality has been merged with the “Batch” action type.
  • The field “Retain Value” will now display as checked on the Modify Import Dialog.
  • The import-only Route Order column, “Stop Number”, was not being used and has been deleted.
  • Flat File imports using the Trip Set table can now be used.
  • Due to a potential risk with data relationship integrity, the Plan Order Trip Set can no longer directly be edited. However, they can still be copied to a new Trip Set using the “Copy to Trip Set” function.
  • The function “Exclude and Exit” will no longer display a blank when used on a flat file import.
  • The Windows Authentication Configuration variables are no longer required in the Web.Config. If not used, Windows Authentication will not be used.
  • The parameter “MaxDbQueryTime” is now usable in the SynService application. This will allow the specification of an Action’s run time when run through SynService.
  • Clicking “About Syntelic” will now correctly display the Syntelic modules enabled (Load Planning, Dispatch Planning, Route Planning).
  • Printed text will no longer wrap when printed, and instead will truncate when necessary. This resolves an issue that caused multiple actions to overlap with each other when printing a dashboard.
  • The Log message field “Post Time” will now be stored in the database as UTC rather than the user’s local time zone.
  • The WT module has been removed.
  • A new import mode that allows records to be deleted has been added.

Transportation Analytics

  • There is a new interface action available to the SpeedGauge API. It will match to speeding events to Actual Routes in the Syntelic Database.
  • Data from the Alarm table can now be imported using the Peoplenet Interface.
  • “Empty” Actual routes will no longer appear when matched to a different Planned Route Date.
  • Dashboards with tabbed actions can now be set to auto-refresh when switching between them.
  • The XRS interface will now write message transactions if either a Driver or Tractor is present. Previously, both had to be available.
  • The MobileCast interface can now be configured to map Equipment with a specified naming convention to the Trailer table.

Load Planning

  • An issue where the packer was not processing multi-stage product types has been corrected.
  • Stacking Rule and Family Descriptors will now be visible when setting them in the Product Type table, making IDs or names visible. Previously, only the database tag would display.
  • Loading Trailer Types can now be copied. Previously, a database join prevented this from being possible.
  • On the Load Diagram UI, only one move may be attempted at a time. While the server is processing the move, the screen will lock until completed.
  • The ability to modify lines on a load diagram is now able to be toggled. There is a new setting found in the Load Diagram called “Enable Modify Line” that when checked, will enable splitting ship container lines.
  • The Log table will now track changes made by users to load diagrams, including: position swaps, whole and partial container line moves, container line adds, container moves within the same position, container moves to different positions, adding/removing doors and bulkheads, splitting container lines, merging lines, and refreshing the load diagram.
  • The Empty Door Strategy parameter has been re-enabled.
  • Cases can now be moved to and from the overflow position, even if there was no overflow on the map in the first place.
  • Level Containers has been added as a batching goal in the product type table. When enabled, containers will be split by a roughly even volume or weight when exceeding that container’s maximum capacity.
  • Capacity by Height – In addition to cube and weight, load plans can now be built using height as the limiting capacity.
  • Load Planner: Splitting Orders – The option to split uniform bundles of orders, items, or families in batch container building was made explicit by means of a parameter.
  • Load Planner: Assemble by Strict Sort Sequence- At the beginning of the batching assembly process, this option instructs the algorithm to arrange all orders in the user-defined sort keys prior to finding assembly and bundle groupings.
  • Load Planner: Base Pick Items – After building containers in the batching process, the load planner can now review the contents of the container to potentially designate a “bundle” as the base of the container. Ship Container lines with a Base designation will be flagged with a “Y” in the new “Is Base” field.
  • An option that allowed an order to be split across multiple positions, as long as an additional aisle is not added to the pick path has been refined.
  • Load Planner: Pick Path Efficiency – A new cost factor and supporting logic has been added to the load planning algorithm that will attempt to place positions having cases with nearby ranges of pick aisles.
  • Mixing Restrictions – The capability to allow or disallow Product Type Families to be mixed has been added. For Example, some scenarios allow mixing Peanut Butter and Jelly on a pallet or Flour and Jelly, but not Peanut Butter and Flour.
  • The ability to aggressively double stack pallets, rather than first utilizing all floor positions with a single pallet, has been added to the Loading Trailer Type Table.
  • “Split” has been renamed to “Bundle Key” to accurately represent that orders having the same key are grouped together and generally assigned to the same container unless they are composed of a single order, item, or uniform family and must be split.
  • Cases per Layer and Split Cases per Layer have been removed from the Product Type table as more extensive options have been added to the module.
  • Merge rules have been renamed as follows: Stackable Above to Top Stack Only, Stackable Below to Bottom Stack Only, Mergeable Above to Merge Down Only, Mergeable Below to Merge Up Only.