Version and Data Model Changes
Version updated to 2018.06. There is no database upgrade required, database version remains at 1202.
Common Interface Enhancements
Two major changes were implemented in the Common Interface algorithm used to frame or shape routes based on an OBC transaction stream.
Implied Driver Assignment
Some transactions are presented to the Common interface with a tractor, but no driver. In those cases, the algorithm looks for other nearby activities that use that same tractor, without regard to the driver, to collect activities together that appear to form a single route. In certain situations, this process would cause multiple tractors to be associated with one driver over a narrow time period, causing that driver’s activities to be broken into multiple route pieces – and this was typically not an accurate representation of what actually happened. The algorithm was enhanced to avoid these driver conflict situations.
Route Splitting
The route splitting process was enhanced to search and discover more effective splitting ponts between routes. It now generally searches for a DOT off-duty period between two adjacent routes (for the same driver) and attempts to split the route near the middle of that off-duty period. This process also takes care to place events on each route that do not cause a driver, tractor or route ID conflict within one route.
Telogis Interface Modification for Route Announce and Location Arrive
Job activities (from which we generate Route Announce and Location Arrive events) for two consecutive routes on the same tractor frequently overlap near the beginning and ending Job for each of the routes. Because there is a tractor associated with those Telogis Jobs, this makes it appear that the tractor is active on two routes simultaneously and results in misleading route framing. To avoid these situations, the Telogis interface was modified to ignore tractors assigned to Job transactions.