Version and Data Model Changes

Version updated to 2018.08. There are several database upgrades included upgrading from version 1202 to 1205.

Visual Route Scaling

The Visual Route was modified such that the initial display is scaled to display the timeframe that includes all the on-duty, drive and sleeper HOS periods. Off-Duty periods and other transactions may be initially falls outside the display area but can generally be seen after zooming out.

Load Planning Algorithm Adjustments

In the filling phase, when assigning loose cases to a new container, the algorithm had not been considering the cube and weight of the container itself. This omission was corrected. In addition, several changes were made to the algorithm that were purely for improved code organization and should have no impact on business logic.

SyncRoute Correction to Duplicate RouteStatus Column

Applied correction where SyncRoute was attempting to update the RouteStatus column twice and was throwing a SQL error.

Expanded Short Time-Out for HTTPS Connections

Previously, the application was encountering 1-minute time-outs using https connections with the UI. Expanded this to 10 minutes.

AuditLog Record Processing

Corrected an exception being thrown by the Route Planner when certain stops in a locked route had no location specified.

Resource Views Not Recognizing Calendar Activities

Applied a correction to the Resource View so that the scheduling conflict logic recognized the existence of calendar activities for driver/trailer/trailer resources.

Calendar Activities Spanning to Next Day

Calendar Activities (for drivers/tractors/trailers) having a finish time less than or equal to the start time are now considered by the Resource View scheduling logic to end at the specified time of the following day.

Omnitracs Messages to Drivers

Constructed a new action to permit the sending of Omnitracs (freeform and template) messages to drivers.

Load Route IDs in Paragon Interface

Corrected the processing logic of the Paragon interface to recognize the user-specified filter of one or more route IDs.

Common Interface Enhancements

The before/after day range for reading existing route data was not being utilized correctly; this was corrected. Route splitting logic was enhanced to more aggressively split routes in the midst of off-duty periods.

View I/O Processing

Several changes were made to the common process for reading data from the Syntelic database (XioTable/XioReader), especially as follows: (1) corrections and improvements were made to the process (using Cross Apply) that acquires existing audit information, (2) change was made to correctly apply as many Time Selection filters as required when drilling down from a resource table to an operational table (a table having a selection date) — previous, only one filter was being applied, resulting in reading too much data, (3) change was implemented that rewrote the process that determined which time zone is utilized in view processing, especially within calculations.

View I/O Processing

Correction to internal database definition for Hide Helper column (was specified at “int”, should have been “bool”).

Database Changes and Audits

Flex columns were added to the Driver Leave and Trailer Appointment tables. Also, what used to be labelled Show Packer Audits is now uniformly renamed to Show Commit Audits throughout the application, including database columns (which also allows audits to be properly processed).

Resource View

Resource View now allows hiding of Co-Driver and Helper columns, plus miscellaneous internal corrections, especially having to do with recognizing drivers assigned to plan routes when calculating DOT hours.

Login State Purge

Added the ability to incrementally purge the Login State table as each user logs in. Previously, this table was not being purged.


Added a new feature to the Load Planner that allows clustering by invoice, item, family and product type.

Constant Strings with Quotes in Calculations

Corrected long-standing error in calculations that caused quoted strings to be interpreted as if they were not surrounded by quotes.

Multi-Flex Column Editing

Corrected an issue where multiple flex columns in a data row could not be modified in one editing session (previously, only the change to one column would be retained).

Route Planner Break Processing

Improved the flow of logic related to insertion of breaks and layovers, especially in the context of wait time.